Important Notice About Transferability of Credits Earned at CTU
Whether CTU courses fulfill prerequisite requirements depends on the degree program you intend to pursue and the school where you plan to earn your degree. If you wish to transfer credits earned through CTU to another college, it is your responsibility to speak to an advisor at the college you plan to attend before starting a CTU course to discuss whether the CTU credits are transferable. Your intended transfer school determines the transferability of credits earned at CTU. CTU course descriptions are available for you to provide to your transfer school.
Career Development Coaching
Creating a development plan is essential to success. BHMT Career Development Coaches are available to assist you with your overall career plan and to discuss how CTU courses may fit. They can also ensure you are accessing all the tools available to help you in your studies. Contact a
Career Development Coach.
Proof of Completion of High School or GED
You will need to submit proof of your completion of high school or GED to CTU Admissions within 48 hours of enrollment. Your CTU Admissions Advisor can assist you should you need help with securing your document. If you do not produce the proof document, diploma or transcripts, then any CTU course you completed will be cancelled and you will lose course grades.