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Family Benefits


As a KP employee, you have access to a broad range of programs to help you develop as an individual and as a professional. Now, BHMT provides access to programs that can help your family. Make sure to share these great resources with your family.

CTU Family Benefits

BHMT Family Members are eligible to pursue any degree at Colorado Technical University (CTU) using a 15% grant towards their tuition costs. Family members include spouse, domestic/life partner or child of a KP/BHMT Member. Eligibility is confirmed by signing a one-page attestation form and the grant is applied when choosing the “Standard KP 15% Tuition Grant” on the application.


A team of dedicated-KP/BHMT Admission Advisors are available by phone at 855-283-1590 and by email at to assist you with your family benefits!


Why should I enroll at CTU?

  • Mobile-friendly classes are 5 weeks long and 100% online
  • No Application Fees or Entrance Exams
  • Earn a degree faster by passing CTU Fast Track exams
  • Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, recognized by the U.S. Department of Education
  • A variety of degree programs and concentrations available at the associate, bachelor’s and master’s level in areas like Accounting,
  • Business Administration, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Healthcare Management, Information Technology, Management,
  • Project Management, Nursing, Psychology, and Software Systems Engineering


The family discount is independent of the BHMT Education Trust benefit that is extended solely to KP union employees. Any questions regarding the family discount should be directed to Colorado Tech University.

Reduced Tuition for BHMT-eligible Family Members

Do you have a family member interested in pursuing a college degree or certificate, or earning additional college credit? Post University offers 20% tuition reduction on all online, credit-bearing courses for family members living in the same household with a BHMT-eligible participant.


Post University’s High School Academy is a great way for children of BHMT-eligible participants to get a jumpstart on college. Students with a 3.0 or higher GPA can attend online college classes building credits towards an Associate’s degree, while still in high school at a 90% tuition reduction! Participation requires a recommendation from their school counselor. Click Learn More to download the recommendation form.


The family discount is independent of the BHMT Education Trust benefit that is extended solely to KP union employees. Any questions regarding the family discount should be directed to Post University.

Reading and Vocabulary Builder for Your Kids

If you’re trying to navigate these strange times AND keep your children learning online, you can now take advantage of these powerful resources that teachers, parents and kids love. AMEnglish provides your family with two engaging programs that target vocabulary, reading and comprehension: “Read Aloud eBooks with Adaptive Assessment” for grades K to 6 and “Vocabulary Builder” for grades 6 to 8.

Personal Financial Management

Create a plan that can help you be better equipped to secure your financial future. Whether you want to create a budget, pay off debt, save for a down payment, or plan for retirement, now, you can learn the skills needed to achieve your financial goals today…and in the future. These resources are open to your family members, too.

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