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Build Your Personal Brand

The key to creating an effective personal brand is to be authentic. When you craft your brand around what you’re passionate about, it allows you to enhance and develop your brand throughout your career. Use your personal brand as you grow your professional networks, build credibility, and explore opportunities for career growth.

Create an All-Star LinkedIn Profile

Including LinkedIn as a component of your personal brand can help you showcase your skills, accomplishments, and the value you bring to the table to the people you want to connect with professionally.


Download the LinkedIn Profile Checklist


Connect with a Career Development Coach to learn more about creating an All-Star LinkedIn Profile.

Stay Connected with Viva Engage

Viva Engage is an internal social networking tool to help you and your coworkers connect, collaborate, and engage across KP.


Join the Conversation




Networking is a great way boost your confidence as you increase your knowledge and skillsets, improve your collaboration skills, learn from colleagues’ experiences, and build your credibility.


Informational Interviews

Conduct Informational Interviews with managers or other employees in departments/jobs of interest to you.

  • Through informational interviews, you can build relationships, learn key information and receive advice about a career/educational path, a department, a job and/or other career-related topics. The purpose IS NOT to get a job—it is an interview for information only.
  • Follow KP suggestions for informational interviews including sample questions to ask. Learn more
  • Plan on conducting informational interviews outside of your scheduled work hours.

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