ENGL104 is the first course in a sequence of two composition classes designed to equip students with the writing skills necessary for success in academic, professional, and personal situations requiring formal and informal writing. The workshop style course focuses on building confidence in writing as students progress through the process of choosing essay topics, developing introduction paragraphs and thesis statements, creating effective body paragraphs and topic sentences, and drafting conclusion paragraphs. Students will also learn to identify their audience and purpose in writing. The required composition sequence advances essential practices and habits for all skilled writers and critical thinkers.
Credit: 4.5
BHMT participants who are interested in building confidence in writing and selecting essay topics, developing introduction paragraphs and thesis statements., creating effective body paragraphs and topic sentences, and drafting conclusion paragraphs.
Note: This course will prepare BHMT participants for ENGL 105 and for future courses.
BHMT participants are responsible for making sure selected course(s) will transfer to the accepting institution.
PLEASE NOTE: BHMT will use your available KP tuition reimbursement funds for eligible tuition, fees and materials expenses. If available tuition reimbursement funds are not sufficient to cover expenses, BHMT will cover the remainder at no cost to you.