This course is designed for students who need to know the language of health care. The purpose of the course is to help the student to succeed by familiarizing them with how medical words are formed and by providing a systematic learning structure. Students will need to learn various parts of a term including prefixes, roots, suffixes and combining forms as used in the study of the human body. At the conclusion of the course you will be able to define prefixes, word roots, suffixes, and combining forms of medical terminology; spell and abbreviate medical terms.
Credit: 4
BHMT participants are responsible for making sure selected course(s) will transfer to the accepting institution.
PLEASE NOTE: BHMT will use your available KP tuition reimbursement funds for eligible tuition, fees and materials expenses. If available tuition reimbursement funds are not sufficient to cover expenses, BHMT will cover the remainder at no cost to you.