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Please read and agree at the bottom of the document.

Laptop Lending Program

Through the Laptop Lending Program, and with the help and support of Eduscape, BHMT can lend a Chromebook to BHMT-eligible participants engaged in any BHMT-sponsored education and/or training opportunity.

What are the Laptop Lending Program Requirements?
  1. Participants must have their own reliable WiFi connection to use the Laptop as intended.
  2. Participant’s use of the Laptop is related to active participation in the BHMT sponsored program and could change if conditions of employment status changes.
  3. The Laptop is property of BHMT and must be returned to BHMT or an authorized representative when requested within 24 hours of an official request in writing by the BHMT.
  4. Participants must report any damage and loss of the Laptop to BHMT or an authorized representative within a reasonable time to permit repair.
How Do I Apply for a laptop?
  1. Click on the Apply Now button to log into MyBHMT.
  2. When you access the website for the first time, you will enter your NUID and click on ‘set your password’ which is located next to ‘First-time user’.
  3. You will be prompted to ‘Prepare your account for first use’. Enter your NUID and hit Submit.
  4. Select the mail address you regularly use. A link to establish a personalized password will be sent to the email address you select. (if you cannot find the email from BHMT, please check your ‘Junk’ or ‘Spam’ folder).
  5. Click on the link (or copy and paste the link into your browser and hit enter).
  6. Create your own personal password and use that password to sign into the Employee Portal.
  7. You will then be prompted to complete a Career Profile.


How to complete your Career Profile:

If you are signing onto the Employee Portal for first time, you will be asked to complete your Career Profile form. This information will be used to ensure that we have your most up-to-date contact information, to help us create personalized career development content specifically for you, and to provide Career Development Coaches with better data to help you meet your professional and educational goals. This form should take approximately 5 – 10 minutes to complete.


Section 1: Validate your current job information. To update any pre-filled information on this page, sign into MyHR and update your KP employee profile. Allow up to 30 days for KP employee profile updates to appear in your BHMT Career Profile.


Section 2: Validate and complete the contact information on this page. All fields are required. Any edits made to the fields on this page will not change your information on KP HRConnect.


Section 3: Complete the skills self-assessment page by choosing the best selection in the dropdown box.


Section 4: Complete the Interests and Goals questions on this page and then click Submit. At this point, your information will be saved. At any time, you can come back to your Career Profile and update your information.


Once in your MyBHMT home page, go to Applications in the menu bar and select Laptop Lending.


  1. Follow instructions and complete the Application Form and User Agreement.
  2. Submit your application.




  • You must be a KP Union Alliance or Coalition Employee with “active” KP employment status.
  • You must have completed your probationary period.
  • You must be a benefited employee typically working 20 or more hours per week.
  • You must be actively enrolled and engaged in a BHMT-sponsored program for the duration of time you are in possession of a ChromeBook unit. Any program within the following BHMT categories qualify: Degrees, Certifications, Ben U Academic, Ben U Skills, Ben U CE, and Cohort Training.
  • Your application to the ChromeBook program must be renewed annually.


  • Have a reliable high-speed internet connection
  • It is recommended that you check the technical requirements at your institution and make sure your new Acer Chromebook 14 – CB3-431-C5EX will be compatible with the learning platform.
  • Your Chromebook laptop does not come equipped with MS Office. You will have to sign up for and use the online version.
  • Your Chromebook Laptop may not be compatible with the platform used by your school to offer courses. Please check with your school prior to applying.



Student Agreement

This program and participation is governed by the terms of the BHMT Student Agreement. Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the student agreement; by registering and participating in this program you are agreeing to comply with it.



Need laptop support?
Contact Eduscape


Need to return or
replace your laptop? 

Follow these instructions
(Return laptops directly to Eduscape)



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