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Targeted Resume

Targeted Resume

A resume presents your qualifications, accomplishments, and education for a position you are seeking.

Customize your resume for each KP job submission.
  • Make it easy for Talent Acquisition to see that you have the required skills and experience for the position.
Focus on achievements and skills, not just tasks and job responsibilities.
  • Use the “STAR” method (Situation-Task-Action-Results) to emphasize your applied skills, achieved results and the impact you made. Learn more
Develop a visually appealing, reader-friendly format.
  • Use consistent formatting, including font type and size, spacing and margins. Use correct spelling and grammar.
  • If you have extensive relevant experience, your resume can be two pages so you have adequate space to present your qualifications.
  • Proofread your resume before submitting, have another person review it, or contact your BHMT Career Development Coach to assist you.
Save your resume as a PDF file before uploading it to your candidate profile.
Learn more about KP’s Resume Do’s and Don’ts.
Want help developing a targeted resume?
Want to do a mock interview to practice your responses to an interviewer's questions?

Contact your BHMT Career Development Coach. Whatever you are trying to achieve in your career, your BHMT Career Development Coach can provide support, help you access the available resources, and assist you in creating and executing a plan to reach your goals.

Log in to MyBHMT to Find Your Career Development Coach and Access Your BHMT Benefits