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Career Development

Own Your Career

Career development is an ongoing process that includes choosing a career, attaining education, and gaining skills to advance along your career path. It is directly linked to your professional growth goals and objectives throughout your career. BHMT’s Career Development team supports you at every stage of your career as your values, interests, and skills grow.


How can we partner with you?

Take Charge of Your Career

Taking charge of your career means you are in the driver’s seat and are in control of the path you take to reach your ideal career. Creating your career map sets the path for your personal and professional development. It is a career management tool that helps you develop the skills and expertise you need to position yourself for your dream career.

Make Career Shifts

There are lots reasons to make a career shift, more money, less stress, more flexible hours, or expanding your skills to make a career change. Whatever your reason, making a career shift is an exciting time, but without a solid plan it can be overwhelming.

Build Your Personal Brand

Having a strong personal brand ensures you control how people view you and your capabilities. Crafting a stand-out resume, updating your KP Career Profile, building in person and online networks, and creating an all-star LinkedIn profile will get you and your skills noticed.

Discover Your Strengths

Where will your natural abilities lead you? Understanding more about your interests and preferences are key to discovering what you want to do with your future. Learning more about your strengths can help you identify a career path that takes advantage of your talents so you shine in your personal and professional life.

Proactive Career Strategies

It pays to be proactive about your career strategies. A proactive strategy motivates you to define your ideal career and figure out how to get there, giving you ownership over your future and keeping you focused on success.

Find A Career Development Coach

A career development coach provides you with unbiased, objective feedback tailored to your career goals. A coach works with you to understand your skills, priorities, and aptitudes today, and helps you create a solution-oriented plan to set and then achieve your career goals.