Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust | Lab Science
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Lab Science


Lab science courses include lecture and an experiential, hands-on lab component using lab kits that academically align with standard, face-to-face lab courses. These online health science courses are intended to help you complete science prerequisites as required by your chosen academic program. It is your responsibility to determine whether these courses are required prerequisites for the academic program you intend to pursue, and whether your selected program will accept the transfer credit.

PLEASE NOTE: BHMT will use your available KP tuition reimbursement funds for eligible tuition, fees and materials expenses. If available tuition reimbursement funds are not sufficient to cover expenses, BHMT will cover the remainder at no cost to you.


Classes Offered:


Online Learning Readiness Quiz
This Online Learning Readiness Quiz provided by CSUSM is a tool that can help you determine how ready you are for online learning. It’s a brief quiz with immediate results.


Student orientation
Students are required to attend a Student Orientation (to be scheduled a few weeks prior to the course start date). Once registered students will receive an email with orientation details.


Course Transfer of Credit
It is your responsibility to explore the transferability of your course(s) with the school and academic program you intend to pursue.

2018 CSUSM Academic Calendar



January 22 – May 11, 2018

last day to drop and not receive a “W”: Feb 2

last day to drop and receive a “W”: Feb 16


Finals week: May 12 – 17, 2018


August 27 – December 10, 2018

last day to drop and not receive a “W”: Sept. 10

last day to drop and receive a “W”: Sept. 21


Finals week: December 10 – 15, 2018



  • You must be a KP Union Alliance or Coalition Employee with “active” KP employment status.
  • You must have completed your probationary period.
  • You must be a BHMT eligible part-time or full-time KP benefited employee.

  • High speed Internet connection.
  • Preferred PC Browser
  • Mac Browser & Other PC Browsers
    Safari 6
    Internet Explorer 8 or above (IE 11 preferred)


Check your computer browser version.
Review the Student Resources for Online and Face-to-Face Courses to ensure you have the technology requirements to be successful in your course. Your instructor might require other software in your courses. Check the syllabus or with your instructor at the start of the semester about the specific technological requirements of each course.


Unsuccessful Course Completion and Dropped Class Policy
Ben U programs require your time and effort on a consistent basis as well as communicating if you are having difficulty or a conflict in time. Should you not complete your program successfully with a ‘C’ or better, or drop the course by the institution’s first drop date, you will not be able to participate in any Trust program for a period of twelve months.