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Ben U Academics

Need college prep, general education or lab science courses for your degree? Want to try an online college course before you commit to a degree program? Would a single course advance your career or personal development? If so, let us pay the tuition up-front on your behalf.

PLEASE NOTE: BHMT will use your available KP tuition reimbursement funds for eligible tuition, fees and materials expenses. If available tuition reimbursement funds are not sufficient to cover expenses, BHMT will cover the remainder at no cost to you.

College Prep

Not really sure where to get started? Not sure if you are ready to dive right into a college level class? Not sure if online education is for you? You are not alone. Ben U has been helping motivated, adult learners get a start since 2009. Let us help you get your feet wet one class at a time.

General Ed

Our regionally accredited academic providers offer online solutions for the most requested general education and pre-requisite courses for Associate and Bachelor level degree programs. Get the classes you need to start pursuing your degree now – in an online format you can actually fit into your busy work/life schedule.

Lab Sciences

Science courses are common prerequisites for nursing and or other allied health degree programs.   Finding one with a lab component – that actually fits around your work schedule – can be almost impossible. Don’t let that be a barrier to your degree completion. Our regionally accredited academic providers offer these important health science courses complete with online labs.