Introduces students to fundamental chemical concepts and quantitative problem-solving skills in chemistry. Topics include atomic theory, chemical nomenclature, the periodic table, stoichiometry, atomic structure, and chemical bonding.
Credits: 3 semester units
Course capacity: 30 students
Course length: 16 weeks
Course cost: The electronic textbook is provided as part of the course cost. A hardcopy textbook is available for you to purchase at your own expense (estimated cost $190). You are also responsible for the calculator needed for this course. TI-30Xa calculator is required.
Student support: Your instructor is available to assist you with your questions. Students receive support from class peers through interaction using the discussion board. You will have access to a variety of study tools including a tutoring program that provides audio files to review (even on your mobile device). CSUSM provides technical support. Your BHMT Career Development Coach is available to assist you with your career and education planning, and also navigating through obstacles you may encounter during the course. Be sure to discuss the course and it’s time requirements with your family, friends and coworkers.
Student orientation (required): Students are required to attend a Preparatory Chemistry Student Orientation (to be scheduled a few weeks prior to the course start date). Once registered students will receive an email with orientation details
Course Transfer of Credit
It is your responsibility to explore the transferability of CHEM101 and CHEM 106/106L with the school and academic program you intend to pursue
Preparatory Chemistry (CHEM 101) is intended to prepare pre-health profession students for Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry. Preparatory Chemistry is the first part of a year course intended for those who need general chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry course work to fulfill this prerequisite course and lab requirement for an academic program such as Nursing, Allied Health, or other healthcare programs. Successful completion of Preparatory Chemistry (a C grade or higher) is required to enroll in the second half of this course, Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry and accompanying laboratory (CHEM 106L).
Online Learning Readiness Quiz
This Online Learning Readiness Quiz provided by CSUSM is a tool that can help you determine how ready you are for online learning. It’s a brief quiz with immediate results.
BHMT participants are responsible for making sure selected course(s) will transfer to the accepting institution.
PLEASE NOTE: BHMT will use your available KP tuition reimbursement funds for eligible tuition, fees and materials expenses. If available tuition reimbursement funds are not sufficient to cover expenses, BHMT will cover the remainder at no cost to you.
Note: If you have registration questions or technical issues please email Elizabeth Rosales, CSUSM Program Services.
Check your computer browser version.
Review the Student Resources for Online and Face-to-Face Courses to ensure you have the technology requirements to be successful in your course. Your instructor might require other software in your courses. Check the syllabus or with your instructor at the start of the semester about the specific technological requirements of each course.
January 22 – May 11, 2018
last day to drop and not receive a “W”: Feb 2
last day to drop and receive a “W”: Feb 16
Finals week: May 12 – 17, 2018
August 27 – December 10, 2018
last day to drop and not receive a “W”: Sept. 10
last day to drop and receive a “W”: Sept. 21
Finals week: December 10 – 15, 2018
January 22 – May 11, 2018
last day to drop and not receive a “W”: Feb 2
last day to drop and receive a “W”: Feb 16
Finals week: May 12 – 17, 2018
August 27 – December 10, 2018
last day to drop and not receive a “W”: Sept. 10
last day to drop and receive a “W”: Sept. 21
Finals week: December 10 – 15, 2018