MATH109 begins with a review of arithmetic operations on signed numbers and fractions. Students are introduced to the idea of using symbols for numbers and to basic transformations of algebraic expressions. The skills of expanding, factoring, and simplifying algebraic expressions are applied to the solving of linear and simple quadratic equations. Linear relationships between real life quantities are studied, both from the graphical and the algebraic point of view. Elementary rules for exponents, simple roots and basic operations on rational expressions are used to simplify expressions. The course ends with an introduction to solving quadratic equations by factoring and by quadratic formula.
Credits: 4.5
BHMT participants who are interested in the skills of expanding, factoring, and simplifying algebraic expressions are applied to the solving of linear and simple quadratic equations.
PLEASE NOTE: BHMT will use your available KP tuition reimbursement funds for eligible tuition, fees and materials expenses. If available tuition reimbursement funds are not sufficient to cover expenses, BHMT will cover the remainder at no cost to you.