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Grand Canyon University – RN-BSN

Degrees RN to BSN
Grand Canyon University (GCU)


Program Overview

Grand Canyon University’s (GCU) Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN) helps give you the tools you need to prepare for a career in the rapidly changing healthcare system of tomorrow in as little as 12 months.*

Program Highlights


Delivery Type

  • 100% Online (practicum hours required)
  • 5-week classes


  • Available in CA, CO, DC, GA, HI, MD, OR, VA, WA.


  • Start dates available every month.

Length of Term

  • You can complete each course in five weeks

Program Details

Nurses with an RN license that want to finish a BSN with GCU should choose the “Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN)” program on the dropdown, and should not choose “Accelerated BSN”.




  • The cost of the program is $13,850, which includes tuition, books, and fees. BHMT will recover your KP tuition reimbursement eligible expenses to the maximum available. Should you not have sufficient KP Tuition Reimbursement funds to cover the $14,500 program maximum, BHMT will bear the expense.**

Residents of California may be responsible for the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) if this charge exceeds the lifetime $16,500 tuition cap. The STRF is a fund administered by the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education that relieves or mitigates economic loss suffered by a student while enrolled in a qualifying institution. The STRF assessment rate is two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per one thousand dollars ($1,000) of institutional charges.


* Must transfer 90 semester credits accepted toward the required 120 credits to complete the program in 12 months.

** Breakdown using $330 MOU x 36 credits, $500 LMS, $150 grad fee, and $120 x 11 courses for Canyon Connect

BHMT Program Requirements
6 Month Check-in
  • Complete a check-in twice a year to share your academic experience and to explore support resources BHMT has to offer.
Successful Course Completion
  • For continued success in BHMT programs you need to receive a passing grade of C or better for each course you complete. This ensures you comply with the BHMT Academic Suspension policy you agreed to as part of the BHMT Student Agreement. For more information about the suspension process, refer to the BHMT Student Agreement.
BHMT Student Agreement
  • This program and participation is governed by the terms of the BHMT Student Agreement. Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the student agreement; by registering and participating in this program you are agreeing to comply with it.
Grand Canyon Prerequisites
  • Must have a current, active and unencumbered RN license.