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Tune-up Your Resume

Tune-up Your Resume

Your resume presents your qualifications, accomplishments, and education to show you are well suited for the position you are seeking.

By customizing your resume for the position, you can demonstrate quickly that you have the required skills and experience the hiring manager is looking for.

Focus on communicating your achievements and skills instead of just listing the tasks you perform and your job responsibilities.

A great way to do that is to use the STAR Method (Situation-Task-Action-Results) techniques to help you to emphasize the skills you have developed, the results you have achieved, and the impact you have made to the organization.


Format your resume using a visually appealing, reader-friendly format. Here are a few tips to perfect your resume:

  • Use consistent font type and size, spacing and margins.
  • Be sure to use a spell checker to catch any typos or grammar errors.
  • Don’t feel like your resume must fit on a single page. If you have extensive relevant experience, your resume can be two pages, so you have the room to present your qualifications.
  • You should always proofread your resume before you submit it, but It can be easy to miss errors in your resume if you are the only person who reads it. It is a good practice to have another person review it or contact your update it.
  • Save your resume as a PDF file before uploading it to your candidate profile.
  • Be sure to review the National Workforce Planning and Development’s a list of Resume Do’s and Don’ts so your resume gets noticed for all the right reasons.


Download a sample resume.

Want help developing a targeted resume?

Contact a BHMT Career Development Coach. Whatever you are trying to achieve in your career, a BHMT Career Development Coach can provide support, help you access the available resources, and assist you in creating and executing a plan to reach your goals.

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