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Colorado Technical University

Degrees Associates
Colorado Technical University


Program Overview

Colorado Technical University (CTU) offers several convenient and flexible online Associate degree programs built to fit around your schedule. Our career-focused, online Associate degree programs provide you with the same engagement as our on-campus programs and give you the flexibility to take classes when and where it’s most convenient for you.


Click below for a complete list of CTU’s academic programs that are eligible for the CTU Commitment Grant.

Program Highlights


Delivery type:

  • 100% Online (quarterly term – two 5 week sessions per quarter)
    • Built around our proprietary intellipath® learning system where you can quickly move over the content you already know.
    • Designed to make the most of your prior education, certification, and experience.


  • WA, OR, HI, CA, CO, GA, MD, DC VA.


  • Eight different start dates per year.

Length of Term:

  • You can complete each course in as little as 5 weeks.

Course Enrollment Maximum:

  • You can enroll in a maximum of three undergraduate courses per quarter (two in one session, and one in the remaining session).

Program Details:




  • CTU has collaborated with BHMT to offer the CTU Commitment Grant to eligible participants with no out-of-pocket cost.
  • A maximum of $5250 per calendar year will be paid directly to Colorado Technical University on your behalf. If the full $5250 is available, no out-of-pocket cost is required for this option. BHMT will use your available KP tuition reimbursement funds for eligible expenses.
  • Residents of California may be responsible for the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) if this charge exceeds the annual $5,250 tuition cap. The STRF is a fund administered by the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education that relieves or mitigates economic loss suffered by a student while enrolled in a qualifying institution. The STRF assessment rate is two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per one thousand dollars ($1,000) of institutional charges.
BHMT Program Requirements
6 Month Check-in
  • Complete a check-in twice a year to share your academic experience and to explore support resources BHMT has to offer.
Successful Course Completion
  • For continued success in BHMT programs you need to receive a passing grade of C or better for each course you complete. This ensures you comply with the BHMT Academic Suspension policy you agreed to as part of the BHMT Student Agreement. For more information about the suspension process, refer to the BHMT Student Agreement.
BHMT Student Agreement
  • This program and participation is governed by the terms of the BHMT Student Agreement. Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the student agreement; by registering and participating in this program you are agreeing to comply with it.

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