Continuing education from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists is available to Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust participants. You can enroll in a maximum of 16 total CE units per rolling 12-month period, and the Trust will pay for them. ASRT has a variety of online courses to help you meet your CE requirements such as computed tomography, interventional, mammography, management, magnetic resonance, radiation therapy and more.
The American Society of Radiologic Technologists has over 300 online continuing education courses to help you meet your CE requirements and learn about topics that interest you.
Browse the catalog to see what ASRT has available to assist with California CE regulations:
The ASRT also has multiple courses related to the following discipline/specialty areas:
This program is intended for those who would like to advance and elevate their medical imaging and radiation therapy profession and enhance the quality and safety of patient care.
Please note: You will be asked what course(s) you’ve selected, so make your choices before you call.