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MyBHMT Career Development Portal

Want to learn more about your BHMT education and training benefits?

  1. Enter your NUID and set your password to log into MyBHMT.
  2. Then book an appointment with a Career Development Coach by clicking on "Make an Appointment" in the upper left corner.

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Check your inbox and click the link in the email. The email was sent to your work email address. If you don't see the email in your inbox, check your spam folder.

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On the next screen, click reset password to get a new reset link, or click set password if you haven't set a password yet.


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Manage Your Benefits
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Stipend Application Status:
Last Pay Rate Update: N/A
Weekly Regularly Scheduled Hours per Manager: N/A
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Your Remaining Hours are only available for wage replacement when you have an Approved Stipend Application Status
All Hours Available
Lifetime Max:
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Application Status:
Ben U/Certificates
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Application Status:
Ben U/Certificates
BHMT will utilize up to $3,000 of your KP Tuition Reimbursement (TR) funds each calendar year to cover your tuition costs in the Degree Completion program. Once that amount has been exceeded, BHMT funding covers up to an additional $2,250 in tuition costs (for a total of $5,250 per calendar year). If you intend to use TR funds for professional continuing education requirements, it is your responsibility to ensure availability by tracking payments here and to plan accordingly.
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Ben U/Certificates
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Data is updated on a monthly basis and reflects only course work that has been completed and paid
For additional Tuition Reimbursement Balance information, please see

At BHMT, we are committed to lifelong learning and providing you opportunities to engage in your career management. Please complete the Career Profile form below. The information you provide will be used to help you meet your educational and career development goals. You can update your BHMT Career Profile at any time as your skills, interests or career goals change.

After completing the form, you will be automatically directed to the Employee Portal homepage.

Note: To update pre-filled information on this page, sign into HRConnect and update your KP employee profile. Allow up to 30 days for KP employee profile updates to appear in your BHMT Career Profile.

First name:
Last name:
Current job title:
Supervisor's name:

Please complete the Career Profile form below, all fields are required. Any edits made to the fields below will not change your information on KP HRConnect.

Mailing address:
Personal email address:
Work email address:
Work number:
Home number:
Cell number:
Preferred primary contact:
Preferred secondary contact:
Can BHMT send you text message reminders and career development status updates?
Yes No
Years working at KP:
Years working in current position:
Full-time Part-time On-call

SKILLS: Please complete the Skills form below.

Please choose one of the following: Proficient or Advanced or Want to learn more on each area.
QBS 1/2:
Critical thinking:
Communication in cross-cultural relationships:
Active listening:
MS Word:
MS Excel:
MS PowerPoint:
Mobile applications:
Working across organizational boundaries:
Virtual teamwork:
Unit-Based Teams (UBT):
Project management:
Six Sigma:
Change management:

Please complete the Career Profile form below, all fields are required.

INTERESTS (professional or personal)
Some areas of interest I have are:
What are your goals?
Career or wage progression:
Yes No Unknown
Role enrichment:
Yes No Unknown
New career direction:
Yes No Unknown
Acquire new skills/knowledge:
Yes No Unknown
Certificate programs:
Yes No Unknown
Obtain a Degree:
Yes No Unknown
Updating my resume:
Yes No Unknown
Interview skills:
Yes No Unknown
Seeking mentor:
Yes No Unknown
Networking skills:
Yes No Unknown
Transition to Practice:
Yes No Unknown
How much time can you devote to career development activities in a week?
Your career profile is 0% complete

Please complete the form below.

First name:
Last name:
Please verify your contact information below, and update if needed. The address and contact information is what we will use to contact you. No P.O. boxes are allowed.
Shipping street address:
Rate Your
computer skills.
No Computer Skills
How did you hear about this program?
Check all that apply.
Career Development Coach
BHMT newsletter
Word of mouth

You must read the conditions listed in the Conditions of Issue section below and check the box that follows each condition to acknowledge that you agree and understand them before you can submit this application.

Conditions of Issue:
In the interests of furthering the educational/training goals of Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust ("BHMT") and professional goals of the User, BHMT will provide an active KP Union Alliance or Coalition employee (the "User") one (1) Chromebook ("Laptop" and accompanying accessories) for use while the User participates in the BHMT Laptop Lending Program.

In consideration of the BHMT permitting my use of the Laptop, should my application be accepted, I agree to the following conditions:

  1. I have completed my probationary period and am a regular, benefited full-time or part-time active KP Union Alliance or Coalition employee served by the Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust.    
  2. I am actively enrolled and engaged in a BHMT sponsored program. BHMT sponsored programs include degrees & certification, Ben U Academic, Ben U Skills, Ben U CE, and Cohort Training. OR I am not actively enrolled and engaged in a BHMT sponsored program, but I have met with my BHMT Career Development Coach and have developed an education plan that would include courses that would allow me to use the Laptop for program purposes.   
  3. I understand that I must have a reliable Wi-Fi connection to use the Laptop as intended and BHMT is not responsible for Wi-Fi connectivity.   
  4. I understand that my use of the Laptop computer is related to my current participation in the BHMT sponsored program and could change if conditions of employment status changes or if I discontinue participation in BHMT education programs.   
  5. I understand the Laptop computer is property of BHMT and I will return it to BHMT or authorized representative when requested within 24 hours of an official request in writing by BHMT either to the physical address I have provided or the email address I have provided in this application.   
  6. I understand that I have no expectation of privacy. I agree to not use this Laptop in any manner that violates (or attempts to violate) regulations, rights of privacy, proprietary rights, or the terms of use of any network, website, or service accessed through this Laptop.   
  7. I understand that I must report any damage and loss of the Laptop to BHMT or an authorized representative immediately to ensure timely repair or replacement. BHMT will help the participant replace the device once per three years.   
  8. I agree that I may be liable for any loss or damage caused to the Laptop through my negligent or careless use that is outside warranty conditions and not attributable to normal wear and tear. In such instances, I agree to provide a declaration stating the circumstances surrounding the loss or damage. I also understand that any decision concerning obligations under this clause will be made by BHMT and will be based upon my declaration.   
  9. I confirm that I have read, understand and agree to the above terms, and am willing to take responsibility for the Laptop and follow the program policies as determined by BHMT.   

By clicking the SUBMIT button, I confirm I am the Employee named below and; I agree with the Conditions of Issue and will accept delivery of the Laptop on that basis.

Employee name:
Today's date:
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If you haven't entered the class yet, click 'Enter New Class' then come back to the uploader to upload this document.
Please tell us what kind of document you are uploading
Class Schedule
Acceptance Letter
Learning Resource Plan
Document to upload:
Document must be in PDF, Image (PNG, JPG, TIFF or GIF), Word or Excel format
To which application should this document be attached?
Attach to my ISP application
Attach to my RNBSN application
Do not attach to an application
To which academic term does this document apply?
Anything else we should know about this file?
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Privacy Policy


Protecting your private information is our priority. This Statement of Privacy applies to the Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust and BHMT websites and governs data collection and usage. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, unless otherwise noted, all references to Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust include BHMT Websites and BHMT. BHMT websites are both informational and dynamic sites. By using BHMT websites, you consent to the data practices described in this statement.


Collection of your Personal Information

BHMT may collect personally identifiable information, such as your name. We may gather additional personal or non-personal information in the future.

Information about your computer hardware and software may be automatically collected by BHMT. This information can include: your IP address, browser type, domain names, access times and referring website addresses. This information is used for the operation of the service, to maintain quality of the service, and to provide general statistics regarding use of BHMT websites.

BHMT encourages you to review the privacy statements of websites you choose to link to from BHMT so that you can understand how those websites collect, use and share your information. BHMT is not responsible for the privacy statements or other content on websites outside of the BHMT websites.


Use of your Personal Information

BHMT collects and uses your personal information to operate its website(s) and deliver the services you have requested.

BHMT may also use your personally identifiable information to inform you of other products or services available from BHMT and its affiliates. BHMT may also contact you via surveys to conduct research about your opinion of current services or of potential new services that may be offered.

BHMT does not sell, rent or lease its participant lists to third parties. Any demographic data collected via any of the BHMT websites is used exclusively by BHMT for the purpose of program administration.

BHMT may, from time to time, contact you on behalf of external business partners about a particular offering that may be of interest to you. In those cases, your unique personally identifiable information (e-mail, name, address, telephone number) is not transferred to the third party. BHMT may share data with trusted partners to help perform statistical analysis, send you email or postal mail, or provide customer support. All such third parties are prohibited from using your personal information except to provide these services to BHMT, and they are required to maintain the confidentiality of your information.

BHMT may keep track of the websites and pages our users visit within BHMT, in order to determine what BHMT services are the most popular. This data is used to deliver customized content and advertising within BHMT to participants whose behavior indicates that they are interested in a particular subject area.

BHMT will disclose your personal information, without notice, only if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on BHMT or the site; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of BHMT; and, (c) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of BHMT, or the public.

Security of your Personal Information

BHMT secures your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. When personal information (such as NUID) is transmitted to other websites, it is protected through the use of encryption, such as the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.

Changes to this Statement

BHMT will occasionally update this Statement of Privacy to reflect company and customer feedback. BHMT encourages you to periodically review this Statement to be informed of how BHMT is protecting your information.

Contact Information

BHMT welcomes your questions or comments regarding this Statement of Privacy. If you believe that BHMT has not adhered to this Statement, please contact BHMT at:


Please complete the Career Profile form below to identify your education interests and career goals.
Please read and agree at the bottom of the document. Please read and agree to your yearly student agreement at the bottom of the document.



Your Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust Client Services Team is here to assist you! Your success with your educational, academic coaching and career development coaching experience is in your control. The following items detail your responsibilities:


  1. If you go on leave, are terminated from KP, move to a non-represented job, or move to a job represented by a non BHMT-eligible union, you become ineligible for BHMT benefits on the date of that change.
  2. You are expected to demonstrate a commitment to completing programs successfully.
  3. As a student funded through the Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust (BHMT), you will have access to a client services team including career development coaches, academic success coaches, program managers and others provided through the Trust. This team is available to help you achieve your academic and career goals.
  4. You are expected to keep your appointment time with each member of your client services team.
  5. It is your responsibility to confirm possible impact on your Kaiser Permanente or other employment benefits as a result of participating in BHMT programs (such as wage replacement through the Individual Stipend Program). Please confirm your participation status with your KP Human Resources Consultant.
  6. Training can be fast-paced and requires consistent classroom attendance and active participation. There may be no time for make-up classes.
  7. During the training program, you are expected to follow the directions of your instructor. The final decision to pass or fail the student is that of the instructor.
  8. It is your responsibility to confirm that courses/programs completed with BHMT resources meet your academic and career objectives and transfer into your desired school/program.
  9. You must notify your academic success coach if your grade falls below the school minimum or if you are placed on academic suspension. Members of your BHMT client services team may contact you regarding academic progress.
  10. You are required to complete necessary forms, assessments, evaluations, release of information, surveys, and/or provide documentation to prove eligibility for this program.
  11. BHMT will request a grade report or progress report from you or the provider. Failure to produce such may result in your termination from the program. BHMT may also recover program costs, as directed by the co-directors.
  12. After completion of the program, you may be required to be available for interviews with auditors, your employer, the Office of Labor Management Communications and the BHMT staff.
  13. You acknowledge and authorize that your KP Tuition Reimbursement funds (TR) will be transferred to BHMT to be applied to tuition, fees, and materials associated with your participation in eligible programs. Your TR funds are transferred to BHMT throughout the year for payments made on your behalf. If you intend to use your TR funds for professional continuing education requirements, it is your responsibility to track these payments in


Unsuccessful Program Completion – Multi-Regional Training Programs
If you fail to successfully complete a BHMT regional training program, you will be ineligible for future BHMT academic programs or benefits for a period of one year except as specifically excused by the Trustees.


Unsuccessful Course Completion and Dropped Class Policy – General Education/College Prerequisites, Degree Completion, Individual Stipend, Academic Certificate and Certification Programs.
These courses may be accelerated and require consistent, serious effort. If you drop a course after your school’s add/drop deadline (Withdraw), do not complete, or do not receive a passing grade of C or better, you must successfully complete all elements of your Academic Success Plan to retake the course or enroll in another academic course. Failing to earn any grade your program requires for successful completion is considered an unsuccessful course attempt. Should you opt not to complete your Academic Success Plan, you will not be eligible to participate in BHMT-sponsored academic programs for a period of twelve months. Any subsequent unsuccessful completions will make you ineligible for future BHMT Academic programs for a period of twelve months or as specifically excused by the Trustees.


Authorization for Release of Information


By participating in a BHMT program, you are hereby authorizing and consenting to the release of any and all information listed below to BHMT representatives for the duration of your enrollment in BHMT sponsored programs, including career development coaching and academic success coaching:


  1. Information needed to determine your eligibility for enrollment into the program.
  2. Employment information exchanged between the BHMT and Kaiser Permanente that may include:
    1. Date of hire
    2. Job title
    3. Hours working per week
    4. Entry hourly wage
    5. Current hourly wage
    6. Leave of Absence Status
    7. Employment status
    8. Contact Information
    9. State of Residence
    10. Amount and percentage of salary increases
    11. Termination date
  3. Information related to your education, training and employment may be obtained from or exchanged with appropriate educational institutions and training programs for the sole purpose of administrating BHMT programs.
  4. Verification of your attendance and academic standing with your education or training provider.
  5. Dates (but not the contents) of your meeting(s) with a BHMT career development coach and/or academic success coach.


Grades, scores and other information related to your academic performance will not be shared by BHMT staff with your employer except when required to secure reimbursement for tuition paid on behalf of a participant.



Important Tax Information (for Individuals Receiving Education, Wage Replacement Stipends)


  1. The Stipend, wage replacement payments that you receive from BHMT, either by check or by direct deposit, are considered by the Internal Revenue Service to be taxable Supplemental Employer Income. BHMT will distribute the gross amount, without withholding taxes. The Trust will report this income to Kaiser Permanente’s Payroll Department so that the appropriate employee taxes on the stipend payments (federal and state income taxes, FICA, etc.), can be withheld from your next regular Kaiser Permanente paycheck.
  2. The taxable Supplemental Employer Income amount will appear as a separate line item on your KP pay stub as “BHMT Stipends”. Stipend payments are combined with your KP salary & wages in Box 1 on your KP W-2 form. They are not reported separately, and no additional tax documentation is issued by BHMT at year-end.
  3. You may want to discuss this procedure with your personal tax advisor to determine if you should adjust your payroll withholding allowances by submitting a new W-4 form and/or state equivalent to KP payroll.
  4. You should also ensure that any special, non-tax deductions (i.e., dependent care, garnishments, loan repayments, 401K contributions, union dues, etc.), are covered by your reduced paycheck. If you receive your regular paycheck by direct deposit, you may also need to adjust your allocation between your checking and savings accounts to cover any automatic bill payments.
  5. For any questions about this tax notification, please contact BHMT at 844-377-7849 or


Last updated: June 7, 2023

I have read, understand, and will comply with this agreement
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1 (Strongly Disagree)
5 (Strongly Agree)
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Your Career Development Coach helps you create a solution-based plan to achieve your career goals by identifying the skills you need to excel and to explorer your career options.
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Your Academic Success Coach provides you with personalized coaching tailored to your educational goals and helps you maximize your BHMT benefits.
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